ALS World News News

[ Japan ] OriHime Project

An attempt to bring people with disabilities who have no contact with society into contact with society remotely, i.e. from their hospital wards or homes (Ori Institute for Research and Development).

We at Future of Humanity Institute” (commonly known as P-ALS) have a great interest in the practical application of technologies that encourage people to overcome their disabilities and want to work. In this issue, we would like to introduce the promotion and implementation of such outstanding technologies.
Many readers of our World News are probably familiar with the OriHime project, but we would like to reintroduce it to you. What kind of project is it ? If you want a short version, how about the 3.24 minute news report from two years ago, broadcast by CNBC?

OriHime Cafe
Developer, Mr. Ori Yoshifuji talks

July 18, 2024 Reported by Kiyoshi Nagasawa, P-ALS

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