ALS World News News

[ England/ Ireland ] Making a difference after an ALS diagnosis: a Guinness World Record attempt

On 17 March 2022, British and Irish national Mark O’Brien’s world changed dramatically with just three letters. But after months of decline he came back with a plan that surprised the medical and sporting communities: on 24 September 2023 he set a Guinness World Record for the longest open swim non-stop, unaided ALS survivor. 11 km was swum in 5 h 23 min. He swam the last 1.5 km with his three children. Mark’s achievement was covered by the media, including the BBC, and raised £25,000 for the MND Association (note 1).
To date,, he is still in the midst of disease progression. However, he is taking on his next challenge, and Mark believes he can help by working hard to increase people’s understanding of the disease and getting their support.
Soon, he will be taking on his challenge to set two Guinness World Records in one day on 1 September 2024.
50-metre freestyle swim London 9:00am
100-metre freestyle swim Dublin/Ireland 16:30
Go for it! Mr Mark O’Brien!

Note 1 The MND Association (MNDA: Motor Neuron Disease Association) focuses on improving access to care, research and campaigning for people living with or affected by MND in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, operating in the UK.
MND (Motor Neurone Disease) includes the following conditions.

  • ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • PBP: Spinal cord onset MND or progressive spastic paralysis
  • PMA: Progressive muscular atrophy
  • PLS: Primary Lateral Sclerosis
  • SBMA: Spherospinal muscular atrophy Kennedy’s disease

Aug. 27, 2024 Reported by Kiyoshi Nagasawa, Science editor in Chief @ P-ALS

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